Calvinist vs Arminian Theology

Book Recommendations

The following books are some of the better books I have found in explaining and defending the two major positions in Protestant - Evangelical Christianity concerning the relationship between the Sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man. First will be listed the Reformed - Calvinistic writings on the subject and then a list of the Remonstrant - Arminian writings. It should be noted that there are many excellent books written on the subject, however, this list was kept relatively short to include the books that were personally found to be most helpful. Each of the two lists will be sub-divided into three section: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced:

  • Beginner: Those books which are easier to read and make for excellent introductions to the subject.

  • Intermediate: Those books which are known to be classics in dealing with the subject but may be slightly more difficult to read due to their depth and slightly older style writing.

  • Advanced: Those books which are known to be some of the best in dealing with specific issues relating to the subject, but due to their older style writing and deep thinking will likely be more labourious on behalf of the reader.

Recommended Calvinistic Writings:


Chosen For Life by Sam Storms
Sam Storms' book is excellent. It is well thought out and well written. It is not harsh towards other views but instead fairly represents other views and then explains which views would be more Biblical and reasonable as opposed to the others. It makes a great introduction to the subject of divine election and should also prove to be beneficial to those who are already knowledgeable in the subject.

Chosen By God by R.C. Sproul
This book has helped to clarify and answer many questions related to Calvinism. There are even issues dealt with that are not peculiar only to Calvinism. This should prove to be a very helpful book for most Christians. In here you will find descriptions of Sproul's personal struggles to believe, the common misunderstandings and misrepresentations, Scripture and excellent explanations of Calvinism. Where this book is lacking, it is made up with the amount of gold found throughout. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the doctrines of Grace as described by Calvinism; whether they are those who defend it and would like to know more, or those who deny it and criticize it's claims, or those who have yet to stand one way or the other. The book is easy to read yet full none the less.

Easy Chairs, Hard Words by Douglas Wilson
A clear and easy to read book written in dialogue format. Though easy to read, Wilson delves into the deep issues and implications in regards to the subject as he unfolds the five points in greater clarity and detail.

The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented by David N. Steele, Curtis C. Thomas, S. Lance Quinn; Foreword by Roger Nicole; Afterword by John F. MacArthur
This book is a helpful introduction to the five points of Calvinism divided into four parts: history of the Calvinism/Arminianism debate, Scripture verses used to support Calvinism, lists of books for further research, and eight appendices dealing with a variety of issues relating to the debate. This book includes Spurgeon's classic A Defense of Calvinism in Appendix D.


The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner
A classic on the Doctrines of Grace. This book should be read by anyone at all interested in Calvinism.


The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen

The End For Which God Created The World by Jonathan Edwards

Recommended Arminian Writings:

Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities by Roger E. Olson


Redemption Redeemed by John Goodwin
This page was last updated: 2/3/2017
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